
what's this all about?

I fully admit it: I'm a sucker for those social networking sites. I'm a member of MySpace, Facebook, hi5 (which, really, is just a terrible, terrible site), and the now-pretty-much-defunct Friendster (I don't even remember my log-in for that, which makes me a little sad).

If you're female and a member of any of those sites, you'll know that because you are a female and a member, you're just gagging for creepy perverts to send you messages. I'm no exception. I'm not claiming that I'm Hot Stuff, I'm just saying that because I have breasts, it seems that the general mentality of the majority of male members on these sites is that they're welcome to send me messages asking me everything from my phone number to if they can play with my "doodos" (true story).

So I started blogging about it. I began blogging on MySpace, posting the strange messages I get. But then the other day, I got a message on hi5. I wondered if I could cross over, posting about that on MySpace, but it just felt dirty somehow. As if I was stomping on the sacred Holy Ground that is MySpace.

That's why I'm on blogger.

If you have any weird messages that you've received and you want to see featured here, send them my way: weirdooftheweek@gmail.com

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