
Can You Hear The Drums, Denmark?

Something is rotten in the state of MySpace.

I'm trying to figure out if my Weirdos have figured out my sinister plot (which is for them to send me messages so I can pick the strangest ones and post them for all of you to enjoy. Except for Brendan, who apparently is against humour).

The reason for my fear is this. In one day, two of my featured Weirdos have messaged me. Both of them have sent me nearly the exact same message. The first one came from Joe. Everyone remembers Joe, right? He's the one who quoted that ridiculous Camus poem in the hopes of seeming charming and/or intellectual. Maybe both. No matter his intention, Joe apparently is on a mission to convince me to walk beside me and just be his friend, because I'm his lady and he'd love to know me.

Then, a few hours later, Ahmed sent me a message. Ahmed was the one who inexplicably put "tiger" in the subject line. And he was a cardiologist (or so he says) who was half "Egy" and half British, despite the fact that he barely has a grasp on the English language. Ahmed, like Joe, sent me nearly the exact same message he had sent before. Except, this time he added his email address (which is tiger_chan@xxxxxxxx.com. I was actually thrilled by this addition because I finally had some idea of where the whole tiger theme came from). It's almost as if he saw that I had read his message, realized I didn't respond and maybe got a little panicked, because – oh my god! – what if I wanted to email him but I didn't have his email address? What then?

I'm not going to lie, though. The fact that both of them sent me messages in the same day is a little unnerving. Is it just a coincidence? Or have my Weirdos become literate?

There's been other messages that have caused me to raise eyebrows. King sent me a messages. (His name reminded me of that Baby Sitters Club book where Stacey's former BFF from New York is dating a guy named King. As in "King of Hearts." I digress.)

King's message was short. Four words is all he needs, apparently:

nice pics."

Sweety. He's one of about five guys who have called me sweety in the last few days.

Maybe it's just my paranoid mind. It more than likely is. Either way: MySpace creeps. Bring. It. On. I've received enough messages in the last few days to do MySpace Weirdo of the Week for the next two months. Be on the lookout for a bonus Weirdo later on this week.

1 comment:

Aganee (swAG) said...

check this out.. this isnt spam its my video for MYSPACE WEIRDO. you'll like it! lol